
Think Thin Thursdays: Week Three

First of all, I wanted to say CONGRATS to Kimberly who won the weight loss bracelet from Week One! YAY! You have to let me know if it works for you!
Second, can I just tell you all how thankful I am that y’all are helping me through this? There were SEVERAL times this week that I REALLY wanted a sweet treat or some french fries, but the thought of posting myself on the scale and having to own up to y’all REALLY helped to keep me on track! So without further ado…….

I only lost 0.2 pounds this week. I am kinda bummed, but at least I lost something, right?

Things to do in Week Three:

1. Blog about your experiences this past week. Did you accomplish your goals?
2. Set new goals for Week Three.
3. Sign the Shrinky Linky if you met your goals for week 2! Sign no later than 11:59pm CST on Saturday, November 29th to be eligible for the AVON prize!
4. Complete the Week Three Task:

Visit Hungry Girl, a great healthy eating website! Look around and blog about what you love about the site!

Your motivation of the week:

Accomplish your goals for Week Three and enter to win a $5 gift card to Mommy Jenna’s Designs and Gifts (she has amazing handmade soaps) and the fabulous new ebook, “A Month of Meals.” This ebook is all about meal planning and smart grocery shopping!

Good Luck! You are all doing such a great job!

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4 thoughts on “Think Thin Thursdays: Week Three”

  1. Congrats on the loss…I am trying to work on the nerve to start posting my weight next week….We’ll see.

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