
Art with Attitude

Catalog season has definitely arrived! Every afternoon my mailbox is stuffed with various catalogs vying for my Holiday dollars. One catalog, Uncommon Goods, definitely caught my eye. It is packed with pages of items that you wouldn’t see in your average store. It’s really a catalog of gift suggestions for the person who has everything.

One item featured in the catalog is artwork by the artist, Erin Smith. As I turned the page and saw this piece advertised, I nearly spit out my sweet tea:

The girl in each picture is actually the artist’s Grandma! I felt compelled to see what else she had created. I found her website, affectionately titled, “Holy Crap! It’s art from Erin!” and started to look around. Her art is so freakin’ funny! Another favorite:

Erin also has a bloog. Yes, a bloog (that’s not a typo). Really, you just have to read it.

On another page of the Uncommon Goods catalog, I found this:

Any guesses to what this is?? No? It’s a….wait for it…..wait for it……a tampon case. I bet you haven’t seen a link to a tampon case on many blogs, have you?!? Who exactly would you give this to? I mean, as you go over your Christmas list, you stop at Aunt Marsha’s name and think, “Hmmm….a toaster? No. A necklace? No. A scarf? No. A tampon case? YES! That’s it! PERFECT!” Who could you give this condom caddy to? It holds THREE condoms! LOL!

And finally, on a more serious note, you can buy a paperweight with the Five Rules of Happiness (but it’s probably harder to live by them):

Got any good catalogs lately?!?

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12 thoughts on “Art with Attitude”

  1. That is so great! I honestly didn’t even know that tampon cases existed. But now that I do…watch out sisters-that’s what they’re getting in their stockings for Christmas!

    The Queen

  2. That is so great! I honestly didn’t even know that tampon cases existed. But now that I do…watch out sisters-that’s what they’re getting in their stockings for Christmas!

    The Queen

  3. Thanks for the UncommonGoods post. I didn’t realize Erin had other prints…I’ll be sure and pass them along. Don’t be surprised if you see them in the next catalog!

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